
Total Packaging (WA) Pty Ltd



  • Conventional Packaging

    Conventional plastics are available in various forms with the two most popular types being low density polyethylene (LDPE) and high density polyethylene (HDPE)



  • Compostable Packaging

    Compostable packaging can come in many and varied forms.  Compostable packaging is manufactured primarily to help to reduce the use of conventional packaging and in doing so diverts tons of waste from landfill to industrial composting facilities.

  • Dog Waste Bags

    Dog waste bags are an effective and convenient method of disposing of dog waste.  Local councils provide the public with many areas of open space including parks and beaches where walking your dog can be undertaken and where dog waste bags are provided free of charge to clean up the mess.

  • Customised Products

    Clients are always looking for ways to improve their business.
    Using the print medium available on low density and high-density films is a great vehicle to improving sales and getting the company name out there.


  • Sundry Products

    Sundry products are an essential part of your business distribution mechanism. Moving your products from your business premises to your client’s premises in a cost-effective way and most importantly in good condition is of paramount importance.